How to Embed YouTube Videos into WordPress

How to Embed YouTube Videos into WordPress

If you’re starting to shoot videos for your business blog or just have a video that you want your readers to see, here’s a quick and easy way to embed YouTube videos into your WordPress posts, even if you don’t know how to write a single line of code.
Emotional Freedom Technique: Get Unstuck

Emotional Freedom Technique: Get Unstuck

There are times when we all feel like something is holding us back and keeping us from feeling good or productive. Days when we can’t seem to push past some type of negative energy that, maybe we don’t even understand why we’re feeling it. On those days, I like to...
Customer Persona: Are You Wasting Your Time?

Customer Persona: Are You Wasting Your Time?

There’s an excellent exercise for getting into the mind of your customer.  It’s called creating your Customer Persona. Customer Personas Here’s the gist…your target customer or client has all sorts of characteristics that describe them.  If you know and...
My Morning of Skanatra and Goal Yelling

My Morning of Skanatra and Goal Yelling

“Dey got a million tons-a coffee…in BRAZIL!” Huh? It’s 8:17 am, and I’ve started my morning routine.  I’m tackling my to-do list on ToDoist, and on that list are two goals I have set to recur every day. One of them is what I called “Megaffirmations” (a sorta...